![ian de souza. photo by bob sommerville](img/ian_de_souza.jpg)
the artists
The DRAWN TOGETHER Artists will be participating in 10 days of drawing and events during the 2010 Fremantle Festival at the Moores Building and various locations in and around Fremantle.
It all begins with the DRAWN TOGETHER: The Art of Life in FremantlE launch: Thursday 4 November, 6.30pm at the Moores Building, and wraps up with an exhibition throughout the gallery of their finished artwork from 15 - 21 November 2010.
All artists and the public are welcome to partcipate in the programmed events alongside the Drawn Together Artists, however, the final exhibition will only include work by the artists listed below.
Drawn Together Artists include:
- Ian de Souza [2010 Fremantle Festival Artist]
photo by Bob Sommerville - Gary Aitken
garyzena@westnet.com.au - Cedric Baxter
cbaxter@iinet.net.au - Toby Bell
www.bellsculpture.com - Deborah Bonar: Indigenous Artist
www.scribblebark.com.au - Jo Bowman
jobow@hotmail.com - Richard Coldicutt
www.coldicutt.com.au - Zoe Chong Sent
zoechongseng@gmail.com - Terri Colledge
terri_colledge@iinet.net.au - Daniela Dlugocz
www.danieladlugocz.com - Alby Fong
albyfong@bigpond.com - Marne Greenway
marnegreenway@bigpond.com - Anita Haywood
www.anitahaywood.com - Andrew Home
homeandrew@hotmail.com - Ismiadi
- Ali J
www.alijart.com - Tessa Joy
tessajoy@hotmail.com - Karen Kain
www.ZengaGirl.com - Laszlo Lukacs
Laszlo.lukacs@yahoo.com.au - Graham Longhurst
longhurstgr@hotmail.com - Camilla Loveridge
www.camillaloveridge.com - Verena Marmion
marmionverena@hotmail.com - Herbie Marshall: Indigenous Artist
herbiemarshall@live.com.au - Julie Parsons
julieparsons@live.com.au - Tim Pearson
www.timpearson.com.au - Judy Rogers
pandj@myplace.net.au - Allesandra Rossi
www.alessandrarossi.com.au - Sobrane Simcock
www.sobrane.com - Karen Shirley
karenshirley44@gmail.com - Antoinette Stewart
aams121@gmail.com - Margot Watkins
www.margotwatkins.com - Warren Wright